Category: The Netherlands 2020

The Netherlands 2020


The Janssen pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson is amongst the largest healthcare companies in the world and is currently one of the few developing

The Netherlands 2020

Erasmus MC

Hospital Dynamics The Erasmus Medical Center is the largest academic hospital in the Netherlands and had a pivotal role throughout the COVID crisis. In order

The Netherlands 2020


Predictive Maintenance Philips Innovation Services (PInS) creates the bridge from idea to market for each innovation journey.  During the summer, the team worked in the

The Netherlands 2020

VARO Energy

The electric vehicle market has been exponentially growing in the last couple of years, creating the need for quick change in the established automobile industry

The Netherlands 2020


ASML is an innovation leader in the semiconductor industry. They provide chipmakers with everything they need – hardware, software and services – to mass produce